The World Wide Web talking about Earths observation from the Moon

The best an most proper article about this topic was written by Robert King  on Sky and Telescope on October 17, 2018 in "observing-earth-from-the-moon":

What would it be like to observe the Earth from the Moon? We suit up for a look!

One of my favorite photos shows astronaut Harrison Schmitt standing next to the American flag with the Earth in the background during the Apollo 17 mission. Taken by Eugene Cernan, it's one of the few images that features our planet and a fellow human together on another world...

...Given the Earth's greater size, it naturally appears larger in the lunar sky. From the perspective of an astronaut standing on the Moon's surface, Earth varies from 1.8° to in apparent diameter as the Moon travels from perigee (closest approach) to apogee (farthest) during its 27.3-day orbit...

...From Earth, the Moon appears to move about one outstretched fist to the east each night, hopscotching from one zodiac constellation to the next, but from the Moon the Earth remains in one small part of the sky as the constellations march by. And those amazing planetary conjunctions we so look forward to? Exactly as the Moon passes one planet after another in conjunction each month so too does the Earth. With a difference. Like subjects approaching a medieval king, the planets come to the waiting Earth, hold audience, and then depart....

Another article was released at by Megan Gannonon June 30, 2019: "earth-phases-from-moon":

If You're On the Moon, Does the Earth Appear to Go Through Phases?

If you lived on the moon, you'd have to give up lots of things you take for granted on Earth. The feeling of your feet planted firmly on the ground. Your ability to breathe outside without a helmet. And your night-sky view.

Humans have spent millennia staring up at the moon, watching it rise and set, charting its phases as it grows and shrinks each month. But from the viewpoint of the moon, how would the Earth look hanging in the sky?
This was the first time our human race was able to see our planet from an other world. You see the earth rising above the lunar horizon. The picture was taken from the Apollo 10 Lunar Module, looking west in the direction of travel.

"EARTHRISE" shot with Apollo 10, May 24 1969 © by NASA.
